WJP Technology Consultants

Archive for April, 2016

Are You Sharing Your Passwords?

The statistics are both shocking and dismaying. Even in the face of innumerable high profile data breaches, people still aren’t serious about personal data security. In fact, a shocking 95% of people ...

Ransomware Continues to Evolve

“What’s old is new again.” The simple truth is that tastes and trends seem to repeat. We’ve seen it countless times in the world of fashion, and now, we’re seeing something similar ...

Your Server May Be Open To Ransomware Exploits

The hacking community seems to have found another viable business model, this time, in the form of ransomware. Given the success that hackers have been finding with this type of attack lately, ...

“Better History” Google Chrome Extension Might Be Redirecting Your Browser

If you use Google Chrome, you might have the “Better History” extension installed. If you do, and you’ve upgraded it recently, you’ve probably seen a large influx of advertising on your screen. ...

Stayed at a Trump Hotel? Your Information May Be at Risk

You’ve probably heard that last year, Trump Hotels were successfully breached, and an unknown number of customer credit cards compromised. In fact, what makes last year’s breach of Trump Hotels remarkable as ...

Latest iPhone Update Ensures Photos Can’t Be Accessed Without Passcode

Apple reports that it has fixed a security issue you may not have known existed. The problem occurred only with the iPhone 6 and 6s Plus devices, and was specific to images. ...

Is Your Firefox Extension Leaving You Open To Attack?

Browser extensions are in the news lately, and not just for Firefox. Recently, hackers have corrupted several Google Chrome extensions, and are using them to display unwanted ads to unsuspecting users. For ...

Would Your Employees Sell Company Passwords For Less Than $1000?

Your employees are your biggest, most important, most valuable asset. Everybody who knows anything about business understand that. Unfortunately, your biggest asset is also your biggest liability, at least when it comes ...

Email Subject Line Might Help Indicate Potential Hack

Recently, internet security companies have been reporting increasing incidents of large numbers of emails being sent out with strange and distinctive subject lines. Typically they’re crafted as file names, and have image ...

CNBC May Have Your Password and Shared It

Recently, CNBC ran an article on password security. Embedded in the article was a tool they invited readers to use to test the strength and integrity of their passwords. The tool was ...

WJP Technology Consultants
Houston (HQ)
4200 Research Forest Dr. Suite 140
The Woodlands, TX 77381


Since 1986, WJP Technology Consultants has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses nationwide. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.