WJP Technology Consultants

Archive for February, 2016

How To Ensure That Your Business Email Is Secure

As almost everyone is aware, Email was the first “killer app.” It very quickly went from being an expensive, idle curiosity, where users had to buy digital stamps in order to send ...

How You Can Reduce Attrition At Your Company

As the economy continues to improve, and labor gets tighter, wages start to rise. It’s inevitable, and that reality sends shock waves of fear through the small business community. After all, they ...

Having Problems with Your iPhone Battery?

Back in September, not long after Apple started selling the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, users began complaining of a strange problem with their batteries. You may have experienced this yourself. One ...

Google Is Increasing the Speed Of Chrome

When Google Chrome was first released, it was hands down the fastest browser on the web. Nothing else even came close. Over time, other, competing browsers began to catch up, speed-wise. In ...

Four Things Consider Before Taking Your Business Wireless

Is your company considering “going wireless?” If you haven’t taken the plunge yet, then it’s something you should strongly consider. It’s not as simple as just buying something off the shelf and ...

How To Create A Better Email Signature

Most businessmen and women have an email signature, but have you given much thought to how effective it is? If it’s been a while since you’ve given any thought to the email signature you’re using, now might be a good ...

Attackers Target Mobile Devices For Your Financial Information

Security firm Fire Eye has reported on a new and disturbing Trojan making the rounds, called SlemBunk. Unlike so many of the other Trojans we’ve heard about, this one specifically targets handheld ...

How Faster Internet Speeds Will Help Your Business

A few cities across America are currently offering ultra-high-speed broadband connectivity. Many more cities have plans to do so in the near future. Here, we’re talking about speeds of up to 10-gigabits, ...

Watch Out For Chip Card Email Scams

Most credit card companies are hastening to replace their old style magnetic stripe cards with the new EMV chip-embedded ones. The new embedded chips are designed with one purpose in mind: to ...

WJP Technology Consultants
Houston (HQ)
4200 Research Forest Dr. Suite 140
The Woodlands, TX 77381


Since 1986, WJP Technology Consultants has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses nationwide. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.